Name Rank Location Description
Hanne (think hannah) headwoman SW 53 turns, a strong women rounded by childbirth. 5’3" ,Greying black hair tied back into a grandmotherly bun. Warm brown eyes. Always has a pencil and a clipboard. Came from the same weyr as arienh, two are great friends
Panakun Steward SW 63 turns, 5’7" a severe man with stark white hair and steel grey eyes. Is all about propriety and never shows emotion. You can almost hear the brittish accent ready to pop through.
Coentis Master Brewer SW nobody really knows. At 5’1, a short, round man, with wild red hair and beard and twinkly blue eyes. Always seems a bit tipsy, but thats just him, not the wine. Very merry man. Genius with alcohol.
Janea Weyr- Beasthealer SW 33, at 5’10 a tall and thin woman. Pale blond hair and grey blue eyes. Quiet and shy, awkward in social situations. Someday she hopes to find the right guy. Has been able to talk to dragons in an emergency.
Eallard Lower caverns worker SW 17 yo, bearly 6 ft leanly built but muscular with yellow hair cut in a dutch biy that hangs in his sapphire eyes. A handsome boy who doesn’t know it, and a genuine flirt. Works in the lower caverns between stints as candidate and jumps between girls to hide his confused emotions towards friend Saeja
Saeja Artist SW 18, around 5’9, lean bodied, long legs, long dirty blond hair with highlights, no bangs, and big brown eyes. Also has hidden mixed feelings for Eallard. Absolutely no self confidence and cannot believe any guy would want her. Has kissed one boy in her 18 years. Hides behind drawing people as an excuse not to be taking risks
Camrin app. harper SW 12 yo, slightly pudgy, with messy brown hair and a big grin. Not very studious until he sits down with his music. Bit of a prankster here, and a tunnel -snake hunter!

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